the now ~ Feb 13th, 2025 AD of our good companion Gregorians timepiece
hunkering down in Cape Elizabeth, Maine for a winter where we welcomed in our second child in October.
experiencing the bitter-sweetness as I watch two children now grow ever too quickly before my eyes. Always looking for avenues of becoming a better parent and person in order to role-model something worthwhile to my children.
researching the intersection between various cosmological models and the various cultural prophecies regarding catalcysms and the cyclical nature of human consciousness and earth's habitability. More specifically, does the cosmological model as proposed by Vibes of Cosmos unite theories surrounding ancient chronicles like Dev Misra's theories regarding the Vedic Yugas, and resolve the astronomical and archaelogical anomolies that have undermined conventional history and cosmology? Enjoying theoretical physicist, Steven Youngs book - A Fools Wisdom in this vein.
really opening to the question of where does life want me and my family, where and how can we be in service. Since the time of the plandemic, my family has been largely on the road, and though we have tried many places nothing seems to stick. We search for a sense of safety, for friendships, synchronicity and mutual benefit, a land that we can enrich and with which we can co-create adbundance, communities with values around health and vitality that align with our own. Searching both within us and without us for the path toward that thriving place for our family.
announcing the launch of my first musical EP - Crusade by Son of Nel.
searching for an assistant and a nanny